The municipality of Yangzhou and the municipality of Breda cooperate internationally. The collaboration dates from 2007 and fits in with the collaboration between the province of Noord-Brabant, the water board Brabantse Delta and the province of Jiangsu. In 2017, the municipalities made agreements about a five-year program on the topics of education, water and tourism. The cooperation is described in a memorandum of understanding (2017).
The Five-Year Cooperation Program is a concrete achievement after a long history for working together. We are committed to share common challenges and opportunities. Cooperation around education, tourism, sustainable urban water management and climate adaptation are currently on the agenda of two cities. More themes will be incorporated if they are beneficial for the cooperation.
The City of Breda joints force with Waterboard Brabantse Delta and local enterprises, and is calling for many other partners to join in this influential pragmatic cooperation program.