Yangzhou-Breda cooperation

International cooperation in the fields of education, tourism and water

Joining a water-tech trade mission to Jiangsu Province, China
27 October - 3 November 2019

 The Province of Noord-Brabant is organizing a trade mission to Jiangsu Province from 27 Oct to 3Nov 2019. As a sub-mission, the City of Breda and Waterboard Brabantse Delta have initiated a two-day demonstration in Yangzhou tailored for Dutch water tech companies and local water issues in Jiangsu Province.
This demonstration is the result of a long-history cooperation relation with Jiangsu Province, the City of Yangzhouand the City of Changzhouon urban water management andclimate resilience. It is also the start of a series of pragmatic cooperationplanned for the following years on three themes:
Asset management
Climate resilience
Innovation in wastewater treatment

Five-Year Cooperation Program

The municipality of Yangzhou and the municipality of Breda cooperate internationally. The collaboration dates from 2007 and fits in with the collaboration between the province of Noord-Brabant, the water board Brabantse Delta and the province of Jiangsu. In 2017, the municipalities made agreements about a five-year program on the topics of education, water and tourism. The cooperation is described in a memorandum of understanding (2017).

The Five-Year Cooperation Program is a concrete achievement after a long history for working together. We are committed to share common challenges and opportunities. Cooperation around education, tourism, sustainable urban water management and climate adaptation are currently on the agenda of two cities. More themes will be incorporated if they are beneficial for the cooperation. 
The City of Breda joints force with Waterboard Brabantse Delta and local enterprises, and is calling for many other partners to join in this influential pragmatic cooperation program. 

Cooperation on water

The municipality of Yangzhou and the municipality of Breda share common interests in urban water management. Both organizations manage many kilometers of sewerage and maintain different ground. Problems such as fault connections, repairs and inspection are basically the same. The municipality of Yangzhou is also responsible for the functioning of sewage treatment plants, in the Netherlands the water board is responsible for this. Various films have been included about the work field for the purposes of the cooperation.


The Waterboard Brabantse Delta and The City of Breda has a long-history of working cooperation with The City of Yangzhou. It has become apparent that two cities can benefit from close cooperation on various themes. Here are the messages from key promoters on the side of Breda.

Sewer inspection

Sewer inspection is the starting point of an informative and effective sewer system management plan. Here are the stories from engineers working at the back-office and at the field, explaining the working process of sewer inspection.

Evaluations of sewer system

With a large amount of inspection data on hand, sewers are classified in accordance with established standards. The evaluation of sewer system helps The City of Breda draw up a long-term maintenance plan. Here are the stories about how The City of Breda deals with inspection data and sewer evaluation.

Sewer reparation and maintenance

The City of Breda work together with the companies that have effective solutions for sewer reparation and maintenance. Here are the stories from officials and engineers, telling about the task from management and technical perspectives.

Faulty connections management with ABR

Separated sewer system is designed to reduce CSOs and therefore improve water quality, faulty connections however generate more severer contamination problems. In Breda, the issue of faulty connection has great urgency. Here are the stories about the strategy and applications of different techniques for solving the issue in Breda.

Monitoring and modeling

Hydraulic models are widely used by water engineers in the Netherlands in water quality and quantity analysis. Here are the interviews of two experienced modelers. They are explaining how modelling is helping The City of Breda for more effective water management plan and the approach to ensure reliable simulation results.

Water quality

As it is in China, water quality management is one of the most important tasks for Dutch water authority. However, in the Netherlands the good water quality management requires seamless cooperation between local municipalities and regional waterboards. Here are interviews showing how two organizations are working together.


As to any other governmental affairs, communication is also the key to water management in Breda. The City of Breda is collaborating with local companies and residencies to make sure the whole city is acting in a climate-awareness manner. Here are the stories of people from different organizations who are facilitating the ommunication in various programs.

GRP: how do we pay sewer and wastewater treatment

Municipal sewerage plan (in Dutch GRP) contains current rainwater and groundwater problems and how the municipality possibly takes measures in following five-years. In this film explains the importance of GRP and how the sewer and wastewater tax is calculated and collected from residencies.

Dealing with climate change

Like the Sponge City Program in China, dealing with climate changes is also the core task for Waterboard Brabantse Delta and The City of Breda. Here are the stories from Waterboard Brabantse Delta, The City of Breda and global consultancy &design firm. They are telling about the Dutch approach of keeping dry feet, climate adaptation program in cities and international cooperation.  

Optimized sewerage treatment

In the region of Breda, the wastewater treatment plants are operating by Waterboard Brabantse Delta. Facing the demand for sustainable developments and energy transition, the waterboard is investing into techniques for energy and raw material recycling. Here are the stories about Nieuwveer, where 100% energy neutral is going to realized in near future!

energy transition

Energy transition is crucial for mitigating climate changes and realizing circular economy. In Dutch water sector, a great deal of efforts has been put in. Here are the stories about the applications of riothermie and aquathermie in the Netherlands. 

Breda climate resilience

Nieuwe Mark Breda is one of the largest projects in Breda in following years. It has great significance for climate resilience. The idea was initiated 10 years ago and this year, the construction is going to start. The project is anticipated to make the city more livable for citizens and more attractive to tourists. Here are stories about the exciting project.

 get in contact 


Mrs Marcelle den Hooglander

Focus on: general cooperation


Ms Xu Jing

Vice Director, Foreign Affairs Office of Yangzhou Municipal People's Government

No. 8 West Wenchang Rd, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, 225009 (route)


Ms Shuozhao Sun

Focus on urban water management


Ms Gao Shaole

Coordinator, Foreign Affairs Office of Yangzhou Municipal People's Government

No. 8 West Wenchang Rd, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, 225009 (route)

Join the partnership

The intended cooperation is broader than the municipalities, the water board and the provinces. Companies are explicitly invited to make the connection. A selection of potential participants in the collaboration was therefore made in the videos. For more information, please contact Marcelle den Hooglander.


Royal Haskoning


MJ Oomen


Rolsch Assetmanagement

